
I'm currently located in either Mountain View, CA or San Diego CA depending on the seasons.

For over 15 years, I've been exploring and developing ideas about how we, as humans, can consciously design our reality. This journey intertwines my programming knowledge with insights gained from the self-development sphere.

I grew up in a small town in Minnesota, where my early experiences shaped my worldview. Even then, I had an entrepreneurial spirit. At the age of 12, I transformed my passion for skateboarding into a business venture, crafting skateboards, teaching myself how to to code and selling them online. This early venture laid the groundwork for my future aspirations and thought processes.

By the age of 20, I had ventured into the health and wellness industry, founding a juice bar. This physical store, offering a range of juices, smoothies, and health products, was under my management for two years. My entrepreneurial journey then took me to Arizona, where I embarked on a new adventure.

Over the past eight years, I've delved into the world of finance, focusing on developing a geometrical day trading algorithm. My work in this domain involves innovative strategies that leverage vector mathematics, establishing me as a pioneer in the industry while I continue to thrive as an independent developer and artist. Nowadays, you can find me along the beaches of San Diego, either skateboarding, sipping coffee, browsing through thrift stores, creating 3D art, or steering the vision for Reality Designers.

Favorite Technologies

Next.jsTypescriptAstroReactTailwindThree.jsReact-Three-FiberSanity CMSSpline3D AnimationFigma
Reality Designers
Rythm Algorithmic Day Trading Strategies